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Kidd-o Children’s Ministry

Here is the first episode of Bunny Pains, our first web series for kids.
Enjoy the show and tell us what you think.

In the video we see a few things:
1. It pays to be nice to people. You never know when the person that you don’t feel like being bothered with right now, may be the one you want something from later.
2. When you choose to have a good attitude, even in the face of things not going the way you want, God works things out for you.

But here is our “kids’ response” to this first video:

If you would like to submit a video idea or a video kids’ response, please email us at If you have a typed response, please send it to
And please check back soon for the next episode of Bunny Pains, as well as our new department “Ask Bunny”.