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The Forkshop



Welcome the the ForkShop!

This is our place for all things filmmaking.


Our film for the 48 is shot, done. Whew!! Here is the poster….


It screened at the Landmark Midtown theater in Atlanta on July 26th, and the response was great!



I will post the movie soon. But here is a special treat… the behind the scenes footage put together by Deigratia Daniels:



The film itself is coming soon! See it first at the premiere on the 26th. After that our ForkShop team will have a showing of the fully polished piece (maybe even slightly longer piece) on our own terms.





We will continue filming the submitted short scripts (or parts of them). Please read the scripts below and think about if you would like to play a part in them, and if you have any particular ideas on shooting them. For those still working on their scripts, please remember to create something that can be filmed without a great expense or having to acquire a very specific location or complex items.


Short Script Post:

Here are the short scripts submitted to be shot during our next filmmakers workshop:

Will Faber Script 6-13-17


1-Page-Script for A Writer’s Testimony.

Take Your Kid to Work Day

One Page Courtroom Scene


We shot the first of our scripts in June.


Here’s how it turned out:


We will try to shoot another short scene at our meeting on August 3rd. Continue to submit scripts!





Extremely Helpful Video of the Week:

Darious Britt is awesome! I highly recommend checking this out and a host of other videos on his youtube channel.